A to B Group

Premier Minibus & Car Hire Ltd Complaints Policy

PMCH views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future.  The policy is intended to be used by customers or their representatives, who feel they have been directly affected by our services.  A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of our service and we are committed to providing high quality services so complaints and comments received  help us to learn about what is important and plan better services for the future.

Our policy is:

  • To provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint?
  • To publicize the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint
  • To make sure everyone at PMCH knows what to do if a complaint is received
  • To make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way
  • To make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired
  • To gather information which helps us to improve what we do

Our Policy

  • A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing.
  • All complaint information will be handled sensitively by trained staff, telling only those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements.
  • All complaints will be acknowledged in writing or by phone and dealt with within 1-5 working days unless there is the necessity to gather further evidence of facts, should this be the case the person making the complaint will be notified of the time frame expected for a resolution.
  • Complaints received will be monitored by the management of PMCH and data collated for the amount of complaints and their nature so that this information can be used for further training and education to improve the company’s ongoing performance.
  • Responsibility Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the management of PMCH